Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Perils of Teaching in a Rural Area

On Monday, I hit a deer. On Tuesday, I got lost on a nature trail during my lunch break. During Tuesday evening, I decided to get all of my affairs in order. Preparations for Wednesday included a last will and testament, praying about any wrongs, talking to friends and family, and eating my weight in Hostess Twinkies. No, the latter I couldn't bear to do. Even when death is imminent, I still think of my dieting. One wants to look one's best in a casket.

Besides, with the week I was having, I didn't want to be found dead with frosting on my face after choking on Twinkies. I would much prefer getting hit by an eighteen wheeler on a rural highway or being mauled by an out-of-place, migrating bear. That would be a fitting ending to the week. I think that would be out-standing.

An [Odd] Post to Progress

A modern-day Mr. Kurtz in a computer lab is what I am. I teach classes in computer labs in rural campuses and sometimes feel like Mr. Kurtz in "An Outpost to Progress." Of course, I still hold to my populist ideals and have not created a tyrannical reign... yet.

From the isolation of the computer lab environment, I hope that they will not drag me out, muttering, "The horror. The horror."

Extra! Extra-terrestrial!

Extra! Extra! Read all about the co-creator of "Extra! Extra-terrestrial!"

I have created an anthology entitled "Extra! Extra-terrestrial!" available via The anthology has poetry from my co-author Joe Fraccalvieri and satirical science fiction from yours truly.

Within it, I satirize everything from bureaucracy to materialistic society. In fact, within this blog, I hope to post social commentary as well as up-dates on my life.

This blog will include a lot of extras. Extra-terrestrials and other science fiction elements will be discussed from time to time, but extra tid-bits from my life will be posted as well.